Friday, July 13, 2012

Life Without Football? Yes We Can

As someone who has now completed an entire season (including the European Championships) without watching a single game, I'm feeling quite a sense of satisfaction. The impressive thing here is that I used to be a football addict. However, as with most addictions it never completely leaves the system. But with this milestone behind me I can write as an authority on the subject. And I am able to recommend abstinence to all who wish to improve their quality of life.

Some friends, acquaintances and interviewers have admired my accomplishments over the last 10 months. Others though, have been surprisingly negative. They don't seem to see the point of giving up something as exciting as football.

As for me, the benefits are screamingly obvious - amongst other things, the sheer amount of precious time gained. The arguments against me appear to be rooted in apathy and an acceptance that the game is an inseparable part of life. The objections are as follows:

  1. If I wasn't addicted to football, I would just be addicted to something else.
  2. What's the harm in it?
  3. What else am I going to do?
  4. There are worse things to be addicted to.
  5. It's always been part of my life and it always will be.
  6. My dad was a (name of team) supporter.
  7. Football is who I am. (They really mean watching football).

This combination of apathy and inevitability prevents people from grabbing hold of a perfectly good solution to their shortage of time. Oh they complain about not having enough time. But when, all of a sudden, claiming back time from sport is suggested, the excuses above are rolled out.

Losing ourselves in watching sport is a way of getting away from problems. However, problems mount when they are not faced. A family issue that is in need of settling is put off. Critical work related decisions that need to be made and implemented are purposely ignored. The stress we may have been trying to avoid is instead increased. Much can be said about getting our priorities right, but now I want to focus on how to make a start on the road to a more balanced life.

We like to see ourselves as individuals, people who can think for themselves. And yet when it comes to football many allow others to do their thinking for them. I appreciate this is a hard thing to admit, but if we can get past this stumbling block a giant step forward can be taken.

The hardest part of giving the problem the attention it deserves is admitting that we have a problem. Once this is done, the next step, difficult as it is, will be much easier. Now we are ready to evaluate our priorities in life despite what others might think or say.

The purpose of this article is to have readers stop and think. In our fast paced society it is increasingly more difficult to stop and remember to smell the coffee before we gulp it down. There's more to life than being able to converse knowledgeably with others about football. Take the time needed to think about it; it's the only way.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Tips On Dealing With Long Distance Relationships

Everyone knows how frustrating to fall in love with someone who lives hundreds of miles away. Not being able to go on dates and get kissed or intimate with the person you love can sometimes make even those with strong hearts to question if there are effective ways in dealing with long distance relationships.

Long distance relationships surely take a lot of work. You always need to keep tabs on your partner and make sure that your partner's being faithful. Just this alone can almost make you lose your grip on sanity. You also need to keep your communication open or else you may end up having a break up.

However, these type of relationships really aren't that bad though. In recent studies, the Center for the Study of long distance relationships said that almost 3.75 million marriages are considered long distance relationships. The center's study also said that millions of college students are also involved in relationships where their partner is far away.

Now, to those who are involved and are trying to find ways how to deal with distance in a relationship in college, here are some things that can help you.

The very first thing you need in dealing with distance in a relationship is to make sure that both sides trust the other completely. Trust can help decrease or even eliminate negative thoughts and feelings such as insecurity, jealousy, doubts and fears, which are the main reasons for break up.

There are many different ways on making sure that both sides trust each other completely. One such way is to avoid telling lies. No matter how small or insignificant the lie may be, make sure you prevent yourself from ever lying to your partner. Once you start to lie, and your partner finds out about it, then your partner will have a hard time believing in some of the things you tell him or her.

The second relationship help tip is for you to establish rules for your relationship. Now, when establishing rules in order to deal with your romance, you need to agree on how many times per day you need to call each other, what time you should contact each other, who you can go out with, when you can see each other, and stuff like that. You also need to establish a rule on how you can address the problems of your relationship.

If you establish ground rules for your relationship and follow them thoroughly, you can be sure that you'll be able to deal with your relationship and maybe even help make it grow into something much deeper and meaningful such as marriage.

Dealing with long distance relationships may take effort and time.It can get tiring and confusing from time to time. However, if you make rules and you trust each other completely, you can make it work. But these are only two of the many methods on how to deal with long distance relationship in college. There are still so many things that you need to learn in order to make your relationship work.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boredom Is a Major Cause of Most Destructive Behavior

There comes a time in life when you find a truth so compelling that it moves you to share that truth with as many people as possible. The truth that I have come upon is that boredom is one of the most overlooked causes of destructive behavior that exists.

If we consider some of society's greatest modern-day challenges, obesity, alcoholism, drug abuse, tobacco addiction, sexual diversion, violence and media overload, the one word you never hear in relation to these destructive behaviors is boredom. It is my firm belief that all of these behaviors can be eliminated simply by facing the topic of boredom and finding ways for people to cure it. If there is anything in the world that is treatable, it is boredom.

In my experience, people tell me that they are never bored. In reality what it means is that they are busy, always doing something, mostly because they have to just to keep up with life. But being busy is not the opposite of being bored, in fact it is a distraction from the realization that you are bored.

It is possible to spot people who are bored. They are overweight, smoke, drink too much, are locked in to their i Phones, or computer games, watching banal television shows, are in prison or spending too much money, in gangs or at the casino. Admittedly, some of these behaviors aren't necessarily bad, but it is the fact that people are avoiding themselves by filling their emptiness with an excess of external stimulation.

Doctors diagnose an illness by evaluating the symptoms. To answer the question "Am I bored?" we need to look at the symptoms. What question needs to be asked to identify a symptom? This is the question I have searched for and have found.

"What do you do even if you know you shouldn't be doing it?" For example, the answer could be, "I eat too much even though I am overweight." Maybe the number one issue in American society. The following questions would be:

1. When do you eat?
2. What do you eat?
3. Where do you eat?
4.What are you doing when you eat?
5. What do you do after you eat?

And the number one indicator is

6. How do you feel after you have eaten?

My guess is, if you just answer question number 6, you will get the symptom which will direct you to your real issue. For food, it is certain that "full" is the answer. So, the symptom for your condition is emptiness.

Looking at other issues you could determine a lot in this way.

If you are addicted to alcohol, then the answer is "relaxed", meaning your symptom is stressed. For an addiction to drugs, the answer is "high" which means your symptom is low. For overt sexual behavior, you feel "release", or maybe "warm", possibly "loved" meaning that your symptoms are probably that you feel trapped, cold and unloved.

What this is all really pointing to is that people are searching in all of the wrong places for relief of their symptoms, because the underlying symptom is ''meaningless'' and the cause of that is boredom.

Napoleon Hill's time-tested-book, "Think and Grow Rich" claims that the most important key to success in anything is having a "Definite Purpose" for your life. Boredom is a life led without a definite purpose.

So, where there is no definite purpose, there is a void, a life led like a lost sheep, no mission, no compelling goal, in essence meaninglessness. Can you be busy and have no definite purpose? Of course, in fact it is rampant.

So how do you give your life meaning? The first step is to replace all of your undesirable behaviors with the expression of your emotions and sharing that in some way with others. Whether it is writing, painting, singing, dancing, doing a sport or building a tree house, I don't know, but the only way to end meaninglessness is to define your soul in the expression of your emotions in a concrete way. Your life, you, have meaning. To end boredom, end your destructive behaviors, you need to express yourself and take account of your life. Then you will see ways to make that better, and who knows, you may even discover your life's mission. This could lead you to your life's work and make your work valuable in the world.

The place to look for answers is not outside of you but deep within you. End boredom by discovering your golden being at the core.

This news article is brought to you by TIMESHARE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sugar VS Alcohol: What the Experts Are Saying

Studies about sugar and its astonishing similarities to common street drugs such as cocaine and heroin have been amazing researchers since 2008, when Princeton University first published their findings about sugar and its addictive qualities. Four years later, every media channel is being inundated with information in hopes of delivering an urgent message to a nation full of ever-fattening adults: "Leave sugar alone, it's killing you!"

One of the leading researchers on the front-line of the "sugar vs alcohol" frontier is Dr. Robert Lustig who is a pediatric endocrinologist with the University of California in San Fransico. During a seminar named "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" which was recorded in 2009, Dr. Lustig shows a room full of viewers a diagram of the molecular makeup of sugar that, when broken down to its most basic state. is identical to alcohol.

During a recent broadcast on the University of California's YouTube channel, UCTV, Dr. Lustig and his colleagues explain further how sugar is a chronic liver toxin which destroys mitochondria. What happens when mitochondria is broken down so much that is suffers a meltdown?

  • Large motor delays
  • Growth delays in children
  • Low muscle tone
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Inability to regulate temperature
  • Symptoms of Autism
  • Muscle weakness throughout the entire body
  • Difficulty waking

Sugar and alcohol share another similarity: Only the liver can break down both substances. As sugar and alcohol are metabolized, they are then made into fat. Could this be why sugar is being labeled as a liver toxin by experts? Does the word "sugar hangover" ring any bells?

The Sugar Hangover

Can you recall a time you suffered through a junk food hangover? The chances are pretty good that you have. If you are having a hard time identifying a specific experience, it could be because you are "under the influence" all the time--you just don't know it. See if any of the following conditions sound familiar:

  • Excessive grogginess making it nearly impossible for you to drag yourself out of bed
  • Frequent memory loss or lapses.
  • Feeling lethargic even though you're sleeping adequately.
  • Insomnia
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate.
  • Experiencing mental fog on a regular basis.
  • Bouts of depression or general moodiness.

The experts lend these symptoms to sugar addiction which is very similar to alcoholism. What is their recommendation to the nation at large? Stop eating foods that contain these toxic sugars. What about sugar cravings you might ask? They also say that if you abstain from sugar long enough, your cravings won't be nearly as strong. Imagine that: A life without sugar cravings.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation - All You Wanted to Know

For an addict to alcohol, it is important to get help as soon as possible because of the unpredictable future of an alcoholic.

A person who chronically abuses alcohol will start to lose things that he or she values ​​and loves. They can be relationships or the trust of their colleagues. It can be extended to the bottom of one's freedom, as when the abuse of alcohol results in a car accident that injures or kills someone.

For over forty years, people who drink heavily have found hope in the Narconon treatment centers for alcohol abuse. In the United States, Canada, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, Narconon centers help addicts to drugs and alcohol to leave behind forever the abuse of these substances, and help them decide to move away from drugs and alcohol forever.

As billions of people around the world drink, and many of them drink frequently, how to separate the alcohol problem drinkers from the rest of them? How do you determine who needs alcohol rehab and who does not?

If they are people very close to you, you may be able to detect the damage occurring to them as a result of alcohol consumption. In such a condition, there are few questions that you need to consider. Are they missing the deadlines for various tasks? Are they not able to properly carry out the tasks of their jobs? Are they ignoring their responsibilities?

The rehabilitation program makes it possible for victims who suffer from alcoholism recover from a life of sobriety. The preliminary step is to determine whether the person who is abusing alcohol needs a medical detox to reduce alcohol consumption gradually, or if he or she can go directly to treatment for alcohol abuse. Once this issue is resolved, the program for alcohol and drug Narconon starts to bring the person down the road that takes that person out of the old lifestyle.

Drug abuse and alcohol wreaks havoc on the conscience of every addict and can make life seem uncertain and unpleasant. The next phase in the alcohol recovery program Narconon helps each person in rehabilitating alcohol to regain a brighter perspective on life and a brighter perception of their immediate environment.

Any commission or comprehensive UN report on the damage caused by abuse of drugs or alcohol will indicate the true extent of the problem. A report by the World Health Organization in 2004, estimated that each year 2.25 million premature deaths are caused by alcohol abuse. This means that 4.5 percent of the burden of disease in the world leads us back to alcohol abuse. W.H.O also reports that alcohol abuse is even more dangerous, and often fatal, between groups of younger age. Alcohol not only kills by causing accidents, but it also damages the liver, sometimes up to cirrhosis, which is when the liver is so fibrous and cannot work.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Prescription Drug Addiction - Taking Action Fast To Save Your Loved One's Life

Prescription drug abuse is a fast-growing, nation-wide epidemic in the United States. Although millions of Americans receive medically prescribed drugs for their illnesses, which is considered legitimate usage, abusing prescription drugs means either a) someone is taking prescription medication that were not prescribed to them or b) someone is taking prescription drugs in a manner the drug was not intended for or is taking too much of the recommended doses. Common examples of such abusive behavior include people who take prescription medication for recreational purposes or people who are under heavy emotional distress and use drugs to relieve the pain.

Prescription drug abuse is a serious concern because it can easily and quickly lead to addiction or death. Every day in the United States, it is estimated that 2000 teenagers use a prescription drug for the first time without the approval of a doctor. In fact, roughly 7.4 percent of teens from the ages of 12 and 17 in America reported nonmedical use of prescription medications in the past year alone. Many believe that this new drug epidemic is affecting a large portion of the youth population (teens between the ages of 12 and 19) because prescription medications are not found in the streets, but at home-on kitchen counters, bathroom shelves, and in parents' bedrooms. Teens have easy access to these types of drugs in their homes, and many are beginning to worry that there is little or no supervision. As a result, in 2011, prescription and over-the-counter drugs ranked 4th place after alcohol, marijuana and tobacco, to be the most commonly abused drugs by seniors in high school.

Once a person is addicted to a prescription drug, and become physically dependent, it can be very difficult to treat. The chances of overdosing become higher because the user develops a strong desire to receive the same high as they did when they first used it; as a result, they become more tolerant. For example, it is common for narcotic pain relievers to no longer satisfy the user, and in response, the user consumes larger doses in order to receive an equal effect. Many addiction specialists highly recommend catching the abuse early-on, and not wait for physical dependence to grow too strong. Choosing addiction treatment is the best possible option in preventing death of an overdose.

Taking fast action to save your loved one's life is important in treating prescription drug addiction. Everyday becomes a matter of life-or-death for an addict. There are several things you can do to stop someone from abusing prescription drugs, such as conducting an intervention or seeking professional addiction treatment. Hiring an interventionist is also a good idea because they can help the addict admit that they have a problem and require treatment; interventionists are also a good source on receiving expert opinion on what rehab program to choose and what specific forms of treatment work best.

If you are attempting to reach out to a loved one about his or her prescription drug addiction, it is important that you are quick in solving the matter. Today, prescription drugs are considered to be the new "gateway drug," and may lead to the use of other dangerous drugs such as heroin and crack-cocaine. Remember, when someone shows signs of substance dependence or is demonstrating unusual behavior as a result, the time to act and intervene is crucial. Choosing to conduct an intervention or find an addiction treatment center can save your loved one's life.

This news article is brought to you by BIRDS - where latest news are our top priority.

How To Deal With Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are sometimes unavoidable. Many of us don't like them as the dealings with your partner are controlled by your partner. It is much more difficult to catch someone cheating on you long distance then if you lived close to each other. There is the constant fear that he may meet someone new or be tempted by some vixen in his area. And your contact with each other is short and so you have lots of time to imagine and fantasize about what could be happening to him without you. So how do you deal with a long distance relationship so that your love grows?

1. Agree on what you expect from each other. Assumption is the killer of many relationships. You both need to talk and agree on the type of relationship that you have and what it entails. Is it just a casual relationship until he gets back into town... and what does that mean? Is it okay for you to date other people and when you do date is it with your long distance relationship in mind or as an available single woman. Is your long distance relationship exclusive so that you are faithful emotionally and/or physically to one another... but can still casually date? There are so many relationship possibilities that you must define yours and agree on what it is and what each of you is required to do. Do not assume that he wants the same things as you do or that he is feeling what you are feeling or that he has the self control that you do.

2. Agree on what is a relationship breaker for each of you. You are both feeling human beings and attractive people will be a part of your life until you die so agree on what both of you cannot do in this relationship. If you do what is forbidden does it mean that the relationship is over or that you just try harder not to do it? Agree on what is realistic for both of you so that you don't frustrate each other.

3. Agree on the type and frequency of your communication. Communication is key in a long distance relationship and you should both commit to a regular communication schedule based on costs and your other commitments. There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing when you will talk to each other next. So minimize that for yourselves by agreeing on how, when and how often.

Relationships are based on trust and a long distance relationship often tests your trust in each other in new ways... but if handled properly it can be an excellent trust builder for both of you. When you agree on these 3 key issues then you will minimize mistrust in the long distance relationship.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Long Distance Relationship Advice: What to Consider Before Making The Commitment

Relationships require a lot of work and distance makes it even harder which is why a lot of couples choose to just give it up. I admit that being in a long distance relationship is not easy but I believe that when two people really love each other, they are going to do everything to make it work. It all depends how much you want to make things work. Sure you can pick up a long distance relationship advice here and there but are you willing to compromise? Are you willing to put an effort to make the relationship work?

Before jumping into this kind of relationship or before you decide to go on with it, you and your partner should have a serious talk so you'll know if you share the same goals. If one of you does not want the same thing then the relationship is bound to fail. A relationship will not see the light of day if only one person cares enough or worst if the two people involved don't take things seriously. LDRs are not for people who just want to fool around. It's not something that will kill your boredom or something that will be better than not having someone at all.

Love and trust are a given requirement in any relationship but will they be enough? The answer is simply NO. There are a lot of things you need to consider if you want your relationship to survive. You have to figure out a plan and talk how much time you have to spend apart so the other person won't have to wait in vain. The most difficult part in being in a LDR is the uncertainty. You have to discuss this kind of stuff in all honesty and you always have to think what is the best thing to do for both parties involved. Having a plan is very important; it serves as a guide for whatever steps you need to take. Do you plan on getting married eventually? How long do you have to wait for you to be together? How often can you see each other? Do you have the money to see each other as often as you like? Don't go on with the relationship without clarity because this will definitely lead to a strain of frustration and disappointment.

Another thing to consider before engaging in a LDR is communication. While there are different modes of communication to choose from, it still boils down to making the effort to talk to each other every single day. The frequency and quality of communication with your partner should be substantially increased. Are you willing to pay for higher phone bills from now on? Are you willing to go the extra mile just to talk to your partner every night? If you are a little worried of the amount of money you would have to spend on communication, don't worry because there are cheap ways on how you can connect. Why not try Skype or Gtalk? They are free and all you need is a computer. If you want to call your special someone's phone then you can take advantage of the Skype monthly unlimited subscription. For less than $7, you can pick a country (where your partner resides obviously) and call them unlimited! I've been using it for two years now and it made life much easier for me. Talk to your partner and make it clear how often you need to talk. My boyfriend and I talk twice a day (morning and bedtime) and we never missed. Of course the frequency of your communication will all depend on your needs. The most valuable long distance relationship advice I can give you is to make sure that you don't let a day pass without hearing from each other. It's one of the most important things you can do to make the relationship work.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Friday, June 15, 2012

How To Stop Chronic Nail Biting

I know you are ready to eliminate this habit... Once and for all. In order to make a lifelong change, you need to do some self exploration and determine "why" you choose to bite your nails. Once you become aware, you WILL be able to change your behavior and enjoy the confidence and increased self-esteem gained from knowing that you are in control of the habit.

Ask your self... WHY DO I BITE MY NAILS?

Well... the answer varies from person to person and for that very reason, the answer of How to stop chronic nail biting will also vary. Luckily there are several options available to choose from.

I firmly believe, as with any habit or addiction, it is important to identify the "root cause". It is very difficult to conquer a habit and find the appropriate solution... Something that will work for you... unless you know what the triggers are.

Identify when and why you resort to nail biting or chewing. Some triggers that may lead to biting your nails include


OK... so now that you are hopefully aware of what your personal triggers are, let's look at some solutions or interventions.

As I 'm sure you are aware (and probably already tried) there are several methods you can try that are based on determination or replacement.

These include

1. chewing gum
2. sitting on your hands
3. Rubber bands
4. Gloves
5. Monetary Reward
6. Bandages


Physical Interventions would include things that you can try to eliminate the habit. These types of treatments include

1. Aversion therapies or taste deterrents
2. Replacement therapy
3. Investing in false nails
4. bite plate or teeth guard

While each of these strategies can assist you to stop chewing your nails, I have generally seen more success when it is coupled with a solution that focuses on changing your mindset.


HABIT REVERSAL: Habit reversal may be deemed one of the most successful treatments to stop chronic nail biting. With this technique, the person becomes aware of the behavior and then combines it with a competing response to interfere or physical intervention. You learn to identify the triggers and "unlearn the habit". Combining two approaches... one physical and one emotional.
Engaging in this type of transformation process is beneficial to anyone. The techniques you learn from the emotional basis will undoubtedly be relevant and useful with any other habits and life changes you are looking to make whether it be smoking, weight loss... anything. It is all about adjusting your mindset -

Couple that with a physical intervention and you have a winner!

HYPNOSIS: Hypnosis is effective for many people wanting to change a behavior. It is designed to re-program your mind. This is not necessarily considered a conventional method however it is definitely effective, if you allow it to be. In the past, hypnosis was often "out of reach" due to cost or time commitment however that has all changed. There are many programs you can purchase online and listen to whenever it is conveneient for you. If you really having difficulty with learning how to stop chronic nail biting, I would definitely try one out.


This news article is brought to you by PET-FRIENDLY-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Over Indulge - Just Like Many Things and Switch It Up Early and Often

Everything is okay in moderation they say, and it appears at least in this case that "they" may in fact be right - so chock one up for the elusive wisdom of the crowds I'd say. Why do you suppose that humans like sugary foods? Perhaps for the same reason they enjoy being in an altered state of mind. This may explain why people eat too many sweets, get fat and have diabetes, or why people get addicted to drugs and alcohol. Okay so let's talk shall we?

If the human body has evolved to enjoy such things, and there must be a reason for it, such as humans like sweets because the fruits they were eating in their diet helped them survive and thrive, therefore they developed a taste for them. Thus, how could it be bad to eat more fruit? It gets back to that; all things are okay in moderation comment.

Not long ago, there was an interesting feature on Accelerating Intelligence, the Ray Kurzweil website titled; "The Evolutionary Origins of Optimism," posted on June 13, 2012, which quoted from the book; "Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain," by Elaine the Fox;

"Optimistic realists, whom I consider to be the true optimists, don't believe that good things will come if they simply think happy thoughts. Instead, they believe at a very deep level that they have some control over their own destinies," and;

"The function of our pleasure system is to entice us into doing things that are biologically good for us. This is why delicious food, especially in the company of family and friends, is one of the great pleasures of life. Because the experience of pleasure is fleeting, the pursuit of pleasure can all too easily spiral out of control, sometimes tipping into dangerous risk taking and addictions."

Indeed, if you drink too much alcohol you will have a terrible headache and hangover, and it should teach your lesson. If you eat too much fruit all at once you will become sick to your stomach, another lesson not to over indulge. You see, there seems to also be an evolutionary process to counter overindulgence. The question is are you listening to your body, and is the language I am speaking to you making sense?

There's a reason for all this, and to negate that fact would be to do so in ignorance. Does this mean you should do what feels good? Yes, but again only in moderation, don't go off the deep end, and perhaps that's my message to you today. Indeed I hope you will please consider all that think on it.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rehabilitation Programs at Alcohol Treatment Centers Offer Extensive Holistic Therapies

Many of us think that alcoholism is untreatable, but this is wrong because alcohol rehab programs are designed to meet the needs of alcoholics who are devastating their lives under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol rehabilitation program offers you the hope to dream of a life free from alcoholism through its holistic therapies.

When you are overpowered by alcohol, you lose control over yourself, which even drags you toward crisis situations. It is better to throw alcohol out of your life so that you and your loved ones can lead a happy, prosperous life without any kind of fear. In this regard, you must seek counseling from a professional counselor, who would guide you through the entire process and show you the way toward a better life. Counselors at the alcohol treatment centers would also guide you to choose the program that would best suit your state of alcoholism.

Your enrolment into any of the alcohol treatment centers will ensure that you are on the right track of recovery. You will receive several holistic therapies, such as life skill training, wellness therapy, behavioral therapy, stress management therapy, psychotherapy, relapse prevention therapy, so that your recovery is complete and there is no room for relapse. Besides pastoral counseling and Christ teaching sessions will help you stay focused on the right track.

Rehabilitation Programs

To begin with, you will undergo detoxification, which is the complete elimination of alcoholic traces from your body and mind. This will ensure that no chemical trace is left inside your body, which might produce cravings later. As withdrawal might result in pain, forcing you to relapse, holistic approach will ensure that your mental and physical dependence on chemical substances is ended and the recovery from alcoholism is complete.

Counseling is a great approach to cleanse the mind of the addict so that chemical dependency is ended and no room is left for relapse. Therapists will ensure that you undergo various physical therapies so that your body becomes accustomed to practicing restraint from alcohol and that you have all the skills in your kitty to doing so. Cognitive behavioral therapy will focus on your mental and psychological wellbeing so that you can easily mingle with the society at large and that it does not result in triggers. You would also learn how to manage stress and anxiety and keep their levels down. Slowly, you will realize that these have no place in your life.

Inter-socialization skills will ensure that you are a changed human being, with better socialization skills, showing responsibility toward society. As a changed human being, you can become a brand ambassador of the alcohol rehab program, guiding other struggling alcoholics to walk on the path of sobriety by quitting alcohol.

Your nutritionist will help you realize the role a proper diet in enhancing your fitness levels and keeping you away from addictive substances. You would learn to depend on a balanced diet. It is a known fact that a physically weak body craves for other supplements, suppressants, and depressants, such as alcohol or intoxicants. Contrarily, a physically stronger body is less likely to yearn for intoxicants. If the need arises, you can always bank on nutritional supplements to back up your diet program. These therapies, including yoga, meditation, massage, will also ensure that there is no place for relapse in your life.

Alcohol treatment centers are a true friend to an addicted individual. Choose any of the treatment centers if you, too, want to join the list of individuals who have recovered completely from the clutches of alcohol addiction.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Seven Long Distance Dating Survival Tips

A long distance relationship requires commitment, strong ties to each other, telling the truth and being totally honest with one another. To endure it requires two people who genuinely love each other. The type of long distance relationship I am talking about is overseas dating or international dating. This is truly a long distance relationship.

Being in this type of relationship is one of the hardest things you can do, but well worth it. Being away from someone who you have come to love can be emotionally draining but here are some tips that may help.

1. You must communicate regularly. A combination of emails, phone calls, instant messages, Skype or webcam sessions are great ways to communicate in a long distance relationship. With work, and other daily obligations, communication can be the first thing to go. Try to set up a daily routine. The best time is usually at the end of the day when you both can discuss how your day went. Even a few minutes together every day to connect and check in with each other can produce amazing results.

2. Another nice thing can be to surprise them with a call or text message about how much you miss them or love them. An occasional unexpected voice mail, email or text can go far in showing them you are thinking of them during the day.

3. You will both have to make compromises at times. You may need to forego weekend plans or stay home from a party so you can connect with your sweetheart by phone, webcam or text. When you do go out with friends or family, be sure to tell your partner what you are doing and make a point to include them in your daily activities so they have a better understanding of your life and how you spend your time. Keep them included in your life. Make time for them. Even if you have to work all weekend, make sure you connect and let them know you are thinking about them.

4. Set up a time one weekend every now and then for them as well. Plan to goof off on the webcam and talk on the phone and just talk about your childhood, funny things that have happened to you and your hopes and dreams for the future. Listen to your partners stories as well. These times are so valuable for really getting to know someone.

5. You have to trust that your partner is being faithful and committed to you. It can be hard to trust and it is perfectly natural for bad thoughts to creep into your mind from time to time. Be sure to talk this out with your sweetheart. Jealousy and distrust will not hold you together. Honesty and communication will.

6. Don't ever assume you know what your partner is doing or thinking. If you have doubts or questions about something, ask! Communicating by email is especially difficult because you can not see the other person's face or hear the tone in their voice. You may misinterpret an email and if you don't ask about it, you could create hard or negative feelings without even realizing it.

7. Keep the romance alive by telling your partner how much they mean to you. Don't hesitate to send a spontaneous email or text. Let them know you are thinking about them. Let them know you miss them and try to always plan your next meeting so there is something positive to look forward to and talk about.

This may seem like a lot to take in but it will be well worth it when you are finally together. A couple that has survived a long distance relationship is stronger and their relationship is built on a firm foundation of communication, trust and patience. Good luck and enjoy getting to know each other one day at a time!

This news article is brought to you by RECONNECTING - where latest news are our top priority.

My Life Changes

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

I heard the news tonight that a friend of mine has just passed away. He had cancer and although it really upset me at first, I know that he is now spared the pain and misery and may he rest forever in peace. I have been sitting up all night reflecting on the days we were close friends. It was during my twenties when wild parties and free flowing alcohol was all part of the fun. I am in awe of how my life has changed since then.

During my late thirties, the alcohol had started taking its toll on my health and my life. After a near death attempt at trying to stop cold turkey, I booked myself into rehab and stayed sober for the next eight years. The first thing I did on leaving rehab was to visit the local AA group but unfortunately the lack of support from my family and a personal problem I had with the chairperson, hurting my pride and threatening my ego, I stopped going to meetings. I threw myself into working flat out all day in a demanding job, returning home in the evenings to do housework and raising my two sons as a single mother. I was miserable, unhappy and lonely.

When the shit hit the fan - divorce, bad health, depression and the loss of my job - I did what any untreated alcoholic would do - went on the band wagon again. For the next six years I was in and out of relationships, in and out of hospitals and even a visit back to rehab could not stop me from relapsing. Just over two years ago, my appendix decided to take a trip behind the back of my colon and burst. It took the doctors three days and an MRI scan to pick up the problem but by then my whole system was poisoned. The next two months of recovery from surgery, carrying around a vacuum attached to my stomach, was my saving grace. I had time to take stock of my life and realized I had to take a second chance at recovery.

I found an online AA meeting and by the grace of God have been sober since. I have learnt that the drink is only a symptom of alcoholism. There are other underlying causes for my disease. So how has my life changed?

· I have a program which I follow to the best of my ability on a daily basis.

· Pride and ego has no place in my decisions today.

· I am willing to go to any lengths to keep my sobriety.

· I strive to stay open minded and honest with myself and others.

· I take any bad situation and change it into an opportunity to grow.

· I turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts which lead to positive action.

· I do not blame anyone for my wrong doings - only me.

· I have forgiven my past and learnt from my mistakes.

· I have made my amends to those I have hurt and continue to do so.

· I live for today and do not try and foresee future expectations.

· I tolerate those who ridicule me for they do not understand.

· I still have my problems but I have the tools to cope with them.

· I am growing a little more spiritual each day through prayer and meditation.

· I follow positive people and read and listen to motivational material.

· I try and maintain an attitude of gratitude and live life on life's terms.

I feel blessed today. I have nothing materialistic but I have my sobriety and my sanity. I no longer live in fear and hopelessness. I know in my heart that I am doing the best that I can at this moment and this is exactly where I am supposed to be at this time and place. Outside circumstances I cannot change, but I am changing what I can and that is me, from the inside out.

So I once was a rebel and a troublemaker, I probably am still a bit crazy and others may see me as a misfit and a round peg - but I am doing my little bit to change the world. I have made my pledge:

I am responsible.
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of AA always to be there.
And for that: I am responsible.

This news article is brought to you by DRUG-ABUSE - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Keep a Guy Interested Long Distance

Long distance relationships can work as long as both parties are willing to commit. Of course you have to love and trust each other enough for you to make that commitment. It's not that easy but if you know how to keep a guy interested long distance then there's no reason why you can't make the relationship work. I am a living testament that people can survive in a long distance relationship. My man and I have been together for four years now and we haven't seen each other in person for 3 years. People are always amazed how we do it considering the fact that he lives thousands of miles away from me. There's really no secret but there are a few tips on how to make this kind of relationship survive.

1.) Communication is Key

This is probably the most important aspect of any long distance relationship. Communication is not as problematical as it used to be because there are so many ways on how to keep in touch with someone. Skype, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger and ooVoo are just some of the things you can use to talk to each other. If you want to keep a guy interested, you have to constantly remind him that you are there for him. Don't let the day pass without sending each other a text message, private message or email. Call each other often if your schedule permits. Hearing your voice everyday will make the distance less painful plus this will keep you firmly on his mind. Give him the assurance that although you may not be there physically, you are just a phone call away if he needs somebody to talk to. Whether he wants to vent or share a good news, he can call anytime. Let your guy know that he is constantly on your mind. Text him sweet messages all the time and let him know that you miss him. Send him sexy messages or photos once in a while. Make him excited in seeing you again. Tell your guy what you are looking forward to when he comes visit you.

2.) Take Advantage of the Web Cam

When you live miles away from each other, web cam will come in handy. Just a quick reminder, don't ever let him see you looking sick or pale. Make the effort to look beautiful by putting on a little makeup (eyeliner, mascara, a little blush and lip stain will do) and fixing your hair. Instead of your usual straight hairdo, why not curl your hair once in a while. Put on clothes that you know will turn him on. Wear something sexy. Whatever starts his engine, do it!

You can use the web cam to bond with your man. Let him watch you cook or do your daily activities. You can also watch a movie together or better yet, pretend you are having a date!

3.) Send him presents

You don't have to be physically together for you to do something special for your man. Send him a box with his favorite things in it. Include items that will also remind him of you. One little thing you can do is to send him your lingerie and spray it with your perfume so he'll be reminded what he's missing. This is surely an effective way on how to keep a guy interested long distance.

Be as creative as possible. Go ahead and come up with themes of all the items you are going to send him to make it more exciting.

LDRs require a lot of work but once you are finally together, every effort you made will be worth it. Love is a critical aspect and so is trust. Without the latter, your relationship wouldn't see the light of day.

The Role of the Feedback Loop in Solving Addiction Problems

The problem with addiction is that it is one that feeds on itself. Often known as a vicious circle it a phenomena known to scientists as a positive feedback loop. Whilst such loops can be beneficial under certain conditions they are usually a problem to be avoided and there are measures that can sometimes be taken to solve them.

The first of these measures is limiting exposure which in this case means limiting the availability of the substance feeding the addiction to a constant amount. Whilst this prevents the addiction from escalating it is evident that it will be ineffective in moving towards a cure but simply prolong the problem. It would in any case have to be supervised by another person who would be aware of the wiles an addict might use to hide the habit and the source of more drugs.

In contrast, to limiting the amount, the second method is more drastic and entails cutting off the supply completely, sometimes known as the cold turkey cure and usually considered too drastic.

It is preferable to remove the desire for more drugs by a substitute that weans the addict off the drug, perhaps by virtue of removing the benefit that the addict enjoys, equivalent to opening the feedback loop.

An alternative is to introduce a delay in the loop. An interesting question is whether the delay could be gradually increased so that eventually the addict is weaned off the drug. Perhaps a similar effect could be achieved by reducing the dose gradually at each fix, or by diluting the concentration, which is equivalent to reducing the gain of the loop.

We then move to the 6th method, the external influence, implying that other people take action, usually perhaps at a treatment centre where a strict discipline is enforced. The external influence will also include police action to stem the provision of drugs that entice the addict on a continuing basis.

Evidently the addict needs to want to be cured of the addiction. Education on the consequences will be important as will the company the addict keeps. It is important not to be in the company of fellow addicts who reinforce the behaviour and provide the temptation by try "just one more". Methods for curing problems come under the heading of compensating feedback loops. Compensating feedback may be advice on the outcomes of the habit but will be stronger if the addicts educate themselves on the consequences of continuing addiction and take the necessary steps to cure themselves.

The final consideration is the need to realise that they are unable to resist the temptation even if only a small sample is taken. Like alcoholics, who think that one drink won't hurt, the will power to stop is not there and they will find it impossible to limit themselves to just one (or two... ). To control their habit the only cure is complete abstention.

These comments have been by way of example but a more thorough investigation would be by using these examples in order to trigger a brainstorming session. Such sessions can be applied to all kinds of problems and offer the potential to consider other possible alternatives.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Tell If a Long Distance Relationship Will Work

When a couple has a long distance relationship, one of their primary concerns is to know if their romantic relationship will work in the long run. They're concerned about the longevity likelihood for their romance so they can avoid heartache before they invest their heart, life, and soul into each other prematurely.

First, let me distinguish between the two primary types of Long Distance Relationships, aka LDR. The first kind of Long Distance Relationship is that which is between two people who have already met each other in person. The second category of Long Distance Relationship is that which between two people who have not yet met who are pursuing a relationship exclusively online. The scope of this article is the help specifically couple who have met in person and have an in person relationship, which for various reasons are now in a Long Distance Relationship.

If the two of you have already met and are enjoying a relationship where you have in person personal interaction, then you have a relationship which is real and is based in physical reality. The two of you already know about how you share personal chemistry and body language signals for developing and fostering your relationship.

For whatever reason, the two of you now are either in or are facing a period of your relationship life where you two are separated physically.

Mutual caring and respect are a priority in your lives.

The two of you make an effort to spend time together and share an activity where you can, even with you're being apart from each other in a Long Distance Relationship. Many couples where one spouse is serving often in a combat capacity in one of the branches of the military often cannot do this for days at a time. When the two of you discuss this in advance, then you two can reach agreement.

Honoring the value and importance of each other.

Often the spouse who is serving in the military, many of your life variables are outside of your power and control. Know this in advance. Communicate with your spouse well in advance. People in the business world can sometimes feel like their job position is completely in the control of their boss and company. By communicating with your partner and honoring their importance in your life as a priority as well is both a sign of the vitality and longevity of your relationship as well as one of the relationship habits that will contribute to relationship's success.

Your life paths are aligned and your families are supportive.

Most couples have careers which are separate from each other. However, look at the purpose of the work you both are doing. Are they aligned and supportive of each other? Secondarily, reflect on how supportive your families are of your relationships. When you two share alignment and a supportive family environment, then you can know with confident that your Long Distance Relationship can survive and thrive long term.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Five Reasons to Consider Alcohol Treatment

1. Getting help saves lives

It's no secret that in the worst cases, alcohol addiction can and does kill. Drinking heavily regularly makes people more likely to put their lives at risk. In addition, heavy drinking causes serious health risks which can lead to death. Therefore, alcohol treatment which helps you stop drinking can literally save your life.

However, in many cases, alcohol treatment will save a life by preventing it being wasted - getting help can dramatically improve quality of life. Stopping drinking is the best way to get your life back on track at work, in terms of relationships, goals and ambitions.

2. Meet positive new people

Many people who are addicted to drink are closely associated with people who have a similar lifestyle to them. This can make it hard to change behaviour and break routines. Spending some time getting alcohol treatment can widen the circle of people in your life. You'll meet addiction professionals who understand your problems and those who've experienced issues with drugs or drink themselves. Having a support network of people makes beating addiction much more achievable for many.

3. A chance to focus on sobriety

Undergoing treatment, especially in a rehab clinic, gives you a period to focus on getting sober, away from work and everyday worries. Getting help in a residential rehab centre provides a safe, reassuring and stress-free environment to abstain from alcohol.

Treatment usually involve detox - at this point, when there are no alcohol toxins in the body, many people can think clearly for the first time in a long period. With their mind free of the fog of drink, they can consider their future and how alcohol is damaging their life and health.

4. Alcohol treatment can help you stay sober

Good alcohol treatment expands beyond the initial detox or rehab - it should also include aftercare, which is essential for many to stopping drinking for good. Alcohol treatment will also help you tackle the underlying reasons behind you drinking - these might be stress, depression, trauma or something else. Tackling these, rather than just the physical dependence, is key to stopping drinking.

5. Rediscover life and yourself

When they become alcoholic, many people lose sight of themselves, their interests and what they want from life. For example, people forget their hobbies, they stop taking care of themselves, exercising and eating well, and many people begin to neglect the people close to them. Alcohol treatment can help shift the focus in your life away from alcohol and back to what you really want.

Therapy and counselling can help you find out how to gradually get your old self back. Whilst undergoing treatment you won't be drinking and you may also be given vitamins to help you get your body back in balance

This article is brought to you by DATING.

Having God

Since the inception of our being, we have been granted a name of a God that we are instructed to serve. We grow up in a community adapting to a set of beliefs that we keep on embracing with every passing breath of ours.

As a child, I did the same. I had just one definition of God; THE ONE who keeps an eye on my every thought, word & action. He is somebody who is sure to grant my each and every wish, everything, even when my mum and dad, my elder brother or sister, even my dearest uncle or aunt may fail to provide. I grew with the same passion and tried my level best to keep away from all sorts of wrongdoings. I stayed afraid to utter words in front of my parents even when they were astoundingly inconsiderate. I felt guilty that I carry lots of mistakes or to more exaggeration, several sins on my profile as a kid. God granted to me however has been the best buddy ever. He always listened to me. He never shouted at me or never asked me to keep my mouth shut for the rest of my life.

Now I have grown up; simply putting it I have gained understanding. I might not be a wise one but at least the gift of having God in my life is the most precious and honorable of all. Seriously, I am being honest at the core of my heart.

In the sphere of my understanding, the meaning of god has come across in strangest ways through the multitude that dwells around. Putting it more precisely, god is available in various shapes and sizes. That being has taken countless forms like my next door neighbor, my closest friend, stranger passing by or my colleague or may be my boss in my previous or present company must have made power, crudeness, authority, lust and above all MONEY as their ultimate god. With no offense to any religious belief, but this attitude in my true honesty is becoming far more a norm of this materialistic world.

Hold on for a second, exactly god has appeared in different shapes and sizes such as a stack of money, size of my bank account, credit card or the thickness of my wallet. More amazingly, even when I am a first rated fool with no or least business acumen of any sort but yes I can be a chatter box or a trumpet blowing hard causing extensive noise pollution all the time, lying down on the floor every now and then telling my big daddy that I need to be next higher authority in line, putting forth that I am not taking up any next assignment till the time you fill my pocket with an undeserving incentive or perk. No daddy, you are not supporting me any more.

Give me a break here, holding one's horses I believe is never considered at all. Is that so? Power, greed and selfishness are sure to take me one step above and beyond the normal definition of humankind.

Do we still know who exactly our God is or we plan to sleep over it for the rest of our lives. This is for each one of us to think hard about. Let's start thinking. Will you?

This news article is brought to you by EXTREME - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gambling Addiction Stories

I don't have to look very far to find a gambler: I am a compulsive gambler myself.

First of all, I used to play poker. This became progressively more time-consuming. I began by playing for an hour or two every so often. Then it progressed to an hour or two every day. Eventually I was playing from eleven in the morning until midnight day after day. Inevitably my studies suffered. So did my home life. After I lost three months' income on the turn of one card, I stopped. Just like that.

My wife was more than upset by my behaviour. I didn't want to lose her. The choice seemed to be straightforward at the time. What I had not foreseen was that my addictive nature would simply express itself in other ways.

I went into property development. I bought two old cottages, did them up and sold them for a profit. Then I bought two more and was equally successful. Then I bought a farm and it was an absolute disaster. I had done well when property prices were going up but I came crashing down when the inevitable recession followed.

My bank manager had said that I appeared to have talent in this area. Of course I did. Everyone does when values are increasing. The skilled professionals buy at the bottom of the market and then sell at the top. They see it all as a business, not as a passion.

I was cleaned out. I was left owing more than our total assets.

I was fortunate to have my professional income so I gradually clawed my way back to solvency.

So, as property values increased again, I re-mortgaged our home and my office and built a rehab.

In the first year we lost our total financial assets but, as property prices had risen again, I was able to re-mortgage again and stay afloat.

That established the pattern for the next twenty two years. Each time we made a loss, I re-mortgaged. The home that I had bought for £4,600 eventually had a mortgage of £650,000. The rehab expanded and we built offshoots.

Eventually I had paper assets of many millions and I had one hundred and twenty staff.

In my personal life I was always very abstemious. I bought second hand Volvos. I rarely took holidays. I bought books rather than rich men's toys that would decrease in value.

But I risked too much and trusted too much and that brought me down. Compulsive gamblers tend to give up their addiction only when they have nothing left to lose. That is precisely what happened to me. Sadly, yet again, my gambling addiction hurt my wife.

Gambling in casinos or on racetracks or in betting shops or online never appealed to me. My gambling was seemingly legitimate - but it was gambling none the less and I paid a dreadful price for that.

Nowadays, I work on my own, doing highly specialised and delicate work with people who are depressed or frightened or traumatised.

I look after addicts of all kinds, and I also work with their families. I have had the professional training and experience to know what I am doing in this field of work.

More importantly, I have had the personal experience to enable me to understand other gamblers instinctively and guide them towards putting it behind them.

I believe that I was born with an addictive tendency and I shall die with one.

But nowadays, I don't gamble on anything, not even on the lottery. I do the things that I need to do each day to keep me free from compulsive behaviour.

I'm happy, at peace with the world, creative and enthusiastic. I don't want to build an empire again, nor to take risks of any kind. I'm very content as I am.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Reasons To Consider Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox usually involves using a supervised course of medication to rid the body of alcohol toxins.

When the person then stops drinking, the medication manages the worst of the physical withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. Alcohol detox isn't a magic bullet but can help someone focus on changing their behaviours and getting their life back on track.

Here are good reasons to try alcohol detox.

Decrease health risks

There are many significant health risks associated with prolonged heavy drinking. These include the risks of developing illnesses such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatic damage, some cancers, heart conditions and more.

According to experts, the more alcohol you drink, the worse the associated health risks are.

Improved personal life

As well as serious health problems, drinking heavily can also cause a range of personal problems. Alcohol is sometimes associated with violence and aggression and drunk people are sometimes liable to say or do things which they wouldn't normally or which put them and others at risk.

Further to this, alcoholism can result in professional problems, with people either being drunk or smelling of alcohol at work or not turning up for work/under-performing when they're there.

Heavy drinking often causes problems between friends, relations and couples. Alcohol can erode the trust which keeps relationships strong.

In addition, some people get themselves into financial problems because of their dependency on alcohol. Debt or a shortage of money can lead to stress which can cause a vicious cycle of drinking. Alcohol detox can help to break this cycle.

Beat alcohol dependency and addiction

Detox can help beat alcohol addiction for good. Many alcoholics drink on a daily basis and one of the key reasons they drink is to suppress unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, shaking, sweating, hallucinations and more. Detox can be instrumental in ending this loop.

Focus on getting well

Detox is often carried out in an alcohol rehab clinic. This can give an alcoholic the time that they need away from work and everyday stresses to really focus on getting well again. The detoxification process is just the beginning. It should be accompanied by counselling, therapy and aftercare which starts to get to the root of the cause of heavy drinking. This combination of treatment helps alcoholics to change their habits and behaviour and prevent a relapse of heavy drinking.

Time in a clinic or counselling sessions are also often a good opportunity to meet positive people who understand your situation and have perhaps been through something similar themselves. Many people keep in touch with people they meet while they're undergoing alcohol treatment and detox.

You should always consult a medical professional before you stop drinking suddenly. In many cases you'll be able to undergo detox at home but a doctor will ensure that you do so safely.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Real Life Tips on How to Beat Drug Addiction and Stay on the Road to Recovery

I've been clean for just under 3 years after trying to beat my addiction for 10.

My recovery was far from skips and sunshine.

Instead it was a mixture of crushed dreams, failure and relapse following short clean spells.

Recovery was and still is a constant battle that no-one prepares you for.

Relapse is not failure but an important element of your recovery. Not everybody is willing to say that out loud.

Try not to take it too hard if you relapse. Look out for your triggers. Ask yourself whether you are 100% committed to kicking the habit once and for all. Sometimes we set ourselves up to fail so we can enjoy "one last smoke or hit."

I have taken my relapses so badly in the past that the guilt and shame pursued my using until I was out of control and helpless yet again.

Fighting my Fate

I remember the constant battle, day in, day out with the metaphorical angel and demon that resided in my head. In my final recovery there was one life-changing incident that defined who I am today. I was overwhelmed by emotions and withdrawal. I was in early stages of recovery and had just got over the physical withdrawals. The demon addict timed it perfectly and decided to pop in and pick up where it had left off.

It didn't take long to convince me, almost like a robot programmed; I instantly made an excuse and set off to my dealers across the bridge. I reached the steps of the bridge and the voice of reason and light started to ask me why? "You've come this far!" "Turn around and go back home." The demon addict butted in rudely, "just one last time", "you've had such a hard few weeks", "you need a release". "Think of how good it will make you feel!" The angelic voice was familiar I recognised the faint whisper from times gone by. This time she had found the strength to speak up.

I was torn and confused, unsure as to what direction to take. I thought of my family, the love in my life and all that I stood to lose and made the hardest decision. I decided to take control and fight for my life. I felt powerful. Never before had I beat the demon of addiction, I had always surrendered weak and vulnerable to its destruction and then wallowed in the self hate and pity that addiction brings. I walked home with a sense of victory and a real awareness of my vulnerability. It was then I realised I needed to look after and protect myself from here on out. I hope that all of you in early recovery find the strength and courage to carry on and beat it, don't be afraid to give it a good kick from time to time when it rears its ugly head.

Remember the addiction is part of you so don't surrender, don't be a prisoner in your own skin. Release the Demon in order to protect your Angel. The fight is within!

This news article is brought to you by CONFLICT IN RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Making Long Distance Relationships Work - Tips

Vacations are meant to be relaxing, and while there's nothing more relaxing than sitting on a white sand beach with a frosty pink adult beverage crammed with paper umbrellas - you know, the kind of drink you wouldn't be caught dead ordering in a bar - an added "relaxation" option some trips offer is the chance for a micro-relationship right there in the hotel. Before everyone jumps in with the hate mail, think about it: short relationships with minimal commitment and shallow emotional involvement can be good for you. As long as both parties understand the rules going into the game, there should be no hurt feelings or bruised egos. Sometimes it can be therapeutic to spend time with someone you're not attached to.

The issue here, which I cannot stress enough, is that everyone involved in this fling-in-the-sun must be fully aware that it's going to last exactly as long as your holiday does. Don't lead people on and certainly don't put anyone (including yourself) in a position where the vacation becomes an epic love poem cut miserably short by the end of your time in the Bahamas. A vacation romance is not dissimilar to a one-night stand - which are also okay as long as both parties know that it's a one-night stand.

If you live in Chicago and she lives in Albuquerque, and you're both consenting adults with sufficient intelligence to realize that a long-term relationship begun in Waikiki will be difficult to maintain, and if you're both cognizant of all this and still want to get together, go for it. There is no harm in a vacation fling. Depending on the sort of person you are, it might be an opportunity to get together with someone you wouldn't ordinarily consider dating. Or a chance to just laugh and play in the surf and retreat to your palmy bungalow well before the sun goes down. Who knows? Maybe you just feel the urge to do something wild and without regrets - I Am Jack's Meaningless Relationship.

Do not automatically assume... that such relationships are bad, or mean, or harmful, or dangerous, or that they can't work. None of this is true. The reason "meaningless relationships" have such a bad rap is that they're almost never actually meaningless. People tacitly agree to something they don't want, or they harbor feelings that aren't shared. Sometimes it's a matter of simple miscommunication. But when you're on your trip and you see that beautiful woman in a bikini top and wraparound sari standing ankle deep in crystal blue water, only go for it if two things are true:

1) that you have no intention of harboring long-term angst once the fun is over and you've gone home, and

2) that you're willing to live with the potential consequences associated with really missing her. Hopefully she, in turn, will only get involved if the same is true for her.

Making Your Addictions Work For You

Almost everyone you know is addicted to something.Whether their addiction is coffee, jogging with shin splints or something less socially acceptable, addictions are a way of life for many people.

For some, addictions limit their enjoyment of life and limit their successes in life as well. Many people simply have addictive natures whereas others can try the most addictive things and then say "meh" and never do them again. The scary part is that until you know which one you are and which thing will be your "it" attraction, you never know what you are getting into or where it may lead.

The young clients I work with tend to be addicted to video gaming, magic cards, junk food and/or cannabis. Many would say that their addictions seem to provide a level of comfort... a buffer from an unsafe world. It only becomes problematic when it rules your life. It doesn't really matter if the addiction is deemed "good for you" or "bad for you". Something that rules your life has a different agenda than your higher intentions will have for you.

Having an addictive nature means that you have a passionate nature. So, how do you take these passions and make them become something generative; something that improves your quality of life.

The Good Stuff:

These are the basics of the work I do with struggling teens and young adults with the goal of taking charge of their lives:

First, find your power by starting a daily routine that includes inner reflection, walking, something creative and giving back to the world. Chart it. Own it. Rise above the obstacles that stop you from doing it on a daily basis. Pretty soon, you will be ready to be in control of your private world and you will have found these successes give you a sense of self-worth that is truly empowering.

Using the Bad Stuff for the good stuff:

When you still feel the urge to indulge, use it as a reward for doing the work you need to get done. If you can handle it, give yourself micro-rewards (10 minutes of Angry Birds for every 20 minutes of daily routine). Slowly increase the "work" time and reduce the treat time.

Important: The rewards should not impede your ability to go back and continue. Certain addictions will not work with this system. If this does not work for you. establish all the things you need to get done in the day and then give yourself your indulging reward at the end of the day.

If you are getting the rest of the day off once you've done your chores, try introducing a small segment of healthy stuff to do in your goofing off period. For example, do all of your daily work, your home work and your daily routine and then go off and play video games until your head explodes (not really please). Try taking a break at some point in the evening and go and do 15 minutes of your "good stuff" once more. Just this small step will put you in charge of your passions. It's not easy but it is transformative. These exercises will work for those of you who can moderate with a bit of direction.

So what if you are not a moderator?What if you can't do a little bit of it after doing what you were supposed to do. Then you proceed to one of the turkey aisles. Lukewarm, cool or cold.

Lukewarm means you can stop for the week and get your stuff done and then go nuts on Magic card nights/weekend tournaments or whatever else burns away your time.

Cool means that you can stop for a period of a few months and get what you need to get done and then start up again on vacations, giving yourself a week or so of re-acclimation before having to get back to your real stuff once again.

But for some, you need that Turkey chilled to the bone.

Cold:Once it's gone, it needs to stay gone because when you start up "that" addiction you cannot stop. In that case, if you can stop, stop for just that day, then the next day, then keep that stopping up... one day at a time.

There is another level where you need outside intervention to help you stop whatever your addiction is. When what you do is truly self-destructive and you are losing yourself, your friends, your family, your employment or possibly your life, go seek professional help and don't forget to pick the system that works best for you. You should still be in charge of what system you pick but only if you have those moments of clarity to admit your problem and know what system will work "best for you", not necessarily "easiest for you".

Here's a bigger question about your guilty pleasures:

Try to determine if these indulgences do or do not benefit you and if they don't benefit you, ask yourself: would I be better replacing them with something that brings out the best in me? Search for that thing that would be a worthy place for your passions, determine a plan of action and change the world for the better.

Accept your passions, choose them wisely and vow to leave the world a slightly better place than before you came into it kicking and screaming.

"A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them"... Carl Jung

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Most Popular Drugs Abused Today

Alcohol addiction is ranked as the third most life threatening lifestyle disease. In the United States, approximately 79,000 deaths per year are related to alcohol use. Alcohol is found in malt or distilled liquor, wine, regular beer and distilled spirits. The amount of alcohol present in these drinks differs, with distilled liquor and spirits containing the highest amount of alcohol. People get alcohol from bars and pubs, restaurants as well as supermarkets. Besides alcohol, the following are other most used drugs:

• Marijuana. This drug is legal in some countries, but illegal in the United States without a prescription from a licensed doctor. It has some medicinal properties that have been found to be specifically helpful to cancer patients. However, it is more often used as a narcotic for relaxation and entertainment purposes. Its abuse can impart adverse effects on the user. The side effects of this drug affect the memory and motivation of the user. Most people who abuse this drug get it illegally from drug dealers who are found in and around high schools, or even adult friends. Popular terms used to refer to marijuana include hemp and weed.

• Cocaine. This drug comes from coca, a plant that is popularly grown in Latin America. This drug has been used to make pain- killers and refreshing drinks, because of its medicinal qualities and impacts on the energy levels of the user. However, it is one of the most popularly abused drugs, especially by the rich. Abuse of this drug leads to hallucinations, paranoia and an increase in heart rate while using. Although it is completely illegal in the United States, cocaine users get it from drug dealers and it is fairly easily accessible.

• Adderall. This is medication that is prescribed by physicians as a remedy for ADHD. It can help calm down and focus those with ADHD but is also an appetite suppressant and reacts like speed in the average person's body. This medication has become more popular among college-aged kids and even new mom's because it helps with weight loss and keeps your energy level up throughout the day. Its side effects include temporary insanity while on the medication. It is easily accessible from your medical physician if ADHD has been diagnosed for someone in the family.

• Heroin. This is a highly addictive drug that was once used to relieve coughs. Today it is unfortunately one of the most popular illegal drugs in our high schools. It has been said that it's so addictive that trying it just once will get the person hooked. Side effects of Heroin use include shortness of breath, dry mouth, small pupils, cycles of hyper alertness followed by suddenly falling asleep and a droopy appearance. This drug is only accessible from drug dealers.

• LSD. This drug is illegal due to its life threatening effects. Its use is associated with visual hallucinations and strange experiences. Young people enjoy it because it takes you away from your daily troubles to a different, colorful, thought-provoking place. People who are high on the drug will often have dilated pupils, extreme changes in thought patterns, feelings on insight, confusion or paranoia and quickly changing emotions. While an individual is on LSD he is unable to make sensible judgments, which can lead to making dangerous choices. Long lasting side effects can include flashbacks and severe depression. People who abuse this drug get it from drug dealers.

For people who find themselves using any of these drugs in a manner that is adversely affecting their life, Alcohol and Drug Education classes online can help get on the road to sobriety.

All of these drugs mentioned can lead to serious health and behavior issues. Some include:

• Accidental injuries

• Risky sexual behaviors

• Violence

• Miscarriage

• Alcohol poisoning

• Neurological complications

• Cancer

• Social problems

• Liver diseases

• Cardiovascular diseases

• violence

Some of these effects are short-term while others are long-term and can eventually lead to death. Taking online classes can be a beneficial step towards recovery as they teach students information on the effects of alcohol and drug use, and how excessive use can lead to serious health issues.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Gaining Self Control When It Comes To Shoplifting and Theft

When therapists and researchers look into why people steal, aside from absolutely needing something to survive, the most common answer seems to "I don't know". Sometimes the individual started stealing at a young age to impress friends or maybe just for the thrill of getting away with it. Sometimes individuals steal things that are high-end that they couldn't otherwise afford. It is a rebellious act that needs to be psychologically dealt with in order to end the behavior.

"I Seem to Steal to Collect Things"

In rehabilitation, the first step needs to be the acknowledgement of the act. Whatever the reason is, the individual generally doesn't realize there are underlying problems that need to be solved. Theft and shoplifting are curable disorders that can be corrected with the right approach and motivation. The majority of patients that exhibit this behavior fall on the Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum. The individual just can't stop himself. Many get a temporary sense of satisfaction when they steal an item and get away with it. The courts today will punish by law with fines and often mandates to take theft and shoplifting courses to help overcome the disorder. This combination seems to have a more long-lasting effect than jail time, as the perpetrator will receive education on how to actually handle the disorder.

"I Know I Have a Disorder"

Acknowledging the presence of the disorder is the second step towards recovery from this disorder and the only road to self-improvement. This means that the individual understands that something is wrong, has empathy and has the inclination to correct the bad behavior. Denying the disorder can only make matters worse and will not address the recovery process.

"How Can I Deal with This Disorder?"

The third and major step in this recovery is taking ownership of the problem and trying to deal with it. This is the difficult part, as many might fear ostracism or being stereotyped by peers. However, once an individual gets past this fear, the chances are highest for a successful recovery.

The government now allows and even advocates theft and shoplifting prevention classes. These are also offered online for a small fee but with great rewards. Some websites offer individuals to take classes and pay the fees anonymously because the site owners are aware of the emotional and psychological implications this might bring once anonymity is compromised.

Classes are offered in modules so that it can be easier to digest the information presented. The modules make the individual more aware of his or her actions and compulsive behavior. After the identification of symptoms, the student is then taught how to control such compulsions and the necessary steps to take to prevent the act from reoccurring.

The identification and prevention would not be complete without a long-term planning. The implications of what life will look like if the individual continues on this path are addressed. Some examples such as losing the parents', spouse's or friend's trust, and living life as a felon, make the individual personally commit to him or herself never to do the criminal acts again. The program also encourages the student to make friends with positive influences and set-up accountability partners they can talk to when they are feeling conflicted.

Addictions - Costly at Work

Alcohol, drugs, gambling as well as other addictions have a significant impact on people's lives at home and within the workplace. According to the Council on Addictions and Compulsive Disorders, the five primary addictions are work, food, sex, gambling and chemical addictions. Some of these chemical addictions include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, prescription drugs, antidepressants and even caffeine. Another addiction that is rising in the workplace includes internet and technology addiction. Today, adrenalin addiction is also becoming more widely discussed with its detrimental effects on people's personal health and professional endeavours.

Research indicates that workplace substance abuse is on the rise. The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) defines workplace substance abuse as "the use of a potentially impairing substance to the point that it adversely affects performance or safety at work." Employee alcohol and drug-related problems impacts on absenteeism, poor work performance, on-going health problems of the affected employee, industrial accidents, and significant losses in productivity. Many employers require drug testing as part of their pre-employment assessment process, and may include periodic random drug testing and for-cause and post-accident drug and alcohol testing as part of their company's workplace substance abuse program. Problems related to alcohol and drug abuse cost American businesses roughly $81 billion in lost productivity yearly (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services).

A Boston University study found that low level alcohol consumption than heavy drinking causes more problems at work. The Research Institute on Addictions (New York) found that employees are nearly twice as likely to call in sick the day after they consume alcohol. Co-workers have stated that they are affected by the 'second-hand' effects of the alcohol use of others via being injured or having to redo work or cover for the employee.

Other addictions can impact on the workplace include gambling, sex, and the Internet. For example, an employee who has a gambling problem might use the telephone to call bookmakers or repeatedly borrow money from co-workers. This behaviour can escalate to embezzlement, defrauding customers or stealing stock (merchandise). Employees who may suffer from sexual addictions may struggle to focus on their day-to-day responsibilities or have a tendency to sexually harass co-workers. Internet addicts can be very costly to the organization as employees spend more time 'surfing' the web than tending to work matters. More recently, people are becoming more addicted to their mobile phone; hence, the time taken before at work on responding to personal emails has now been replaced by text-messaging while on the job.

The disease of addiction is multifactorial, having genetic, psychological, physical and spiritual components. It is complicated to pinpoint why certain people have a tendency to display addictive behaviours, with recent research indicating a genetic component in the form of a defective gene for the Dopamine D2 receptor. Research has also supported that addictive behaviour is linked to poor self esteem and other psychological and emotional dysfunctions. There may be particular workplace factors that impact or trigger an individual's use of alcohol, drugs and other addictions which include the workplace culture, boredom, high stress, competitiveness, arguments between employees, long hours or irregular shifts, and pressure.

Research from the Chartered Management Institute indicated that almost 50 percent of managers would find it difficult identifying signs of drug and alcohol misuse. Therefore, managers should be educated in understanding various addictive behaviours in order to identify employees who already display signs of abuse or addiction or those who may be at-risk. It is in the company's interest to be able to identify workers with addiction issues and also make addiction treatment easily accessible. The Office of Ontario's Auditor General found that there is a 565 percent return on investment for making addiction treatment easily accessible to employees.

Workplace prevention programs that look beyond the individual and focus on the physical and cultural factors in the workplace that impact on the employee's health tend to be very beneficial. The workplace environment should encourage employees to safely explore their issues and provide outlets to seek information. Though it may not change one's behaviour, there is merit in providing information which assists the employee in understanding the problems associated with various addictions in the workplace. These are sometimes offered as part of the workplace health promotion program along with exercise, weight loss, and stress management seminars and courses.

It is best to have a multi-faceted approach in managing drug, alcohol and other addictions in the workplace. By utilizing numerous strategies, the potential to reduce related issues to addictions may increase when selected and implemented appropriately. Employee assistance programs (EAPs) have been shown to impact on the decline of work-related accidents, workers' compensation claims, lost work time, and absenteeism as well as increase productivity.

Establishing workplace policy and controls, especially addressing alcohol and drug issues, may challenge the organization and be developed in an ad hoc manner. Workplace drug policies, which are common, should involve consultation with all stakeholders, apply to all employees, be organization -specific, be comprehensive, and include instructions and procedures for responding to drug-related incidents. Additionally, the organization should consider drug testing as a potential, yet complex option.

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Effective Treatment For Drug Abuse

There are many types of treatment for drug abuse, but all are not equally effective, so how do you know with which drug rehabilitation centre to go if you or a loved one needs help with an addiction? Well, one thing is for certain and that is that traditional, short-term and outpatient methods do not work and this was proven once again by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in 2008. Their research has indicated that an alarming 93 percent of these conventionally treated cases relapse.

Programme Content

Effective and appropriate treatment for drug abuse relies heavily on well-researched and proven programme content and to this end; the outdated view of applying a standardised programme to all addictions is simply not acceptable. The well-known Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous 12-step programmes have proven extremely effective and thus forms part of many drug rehabilitation centres' treatment programmes. Experience has shown that a recovering addict should complete this programme at least up to Step 7 before they can be considered recovered.

Different Drugs; Different Types of Treatment for Drug Abuse

A single rehabilitation programme or treatment plan could not hope to address the idiosyncrasies and unique characteristics of every type of drug or recovering addict. Tailored programme content is required to cater for many factors and these include:

  • The physical state of the addict upon arrival at the rehabilitation centre. Most of them are undernourished and have a low BMI, which conspires against their recovery and their concentration levels. A healthy eating plan should form part of the treatment programme.
  • The psychological state of the addict upon arrival. The addict may exhibit various maladaptive behaviours that require treatment, like depression or obsessive-compulsive disorders

Crack and Cocaine

Of course, the treatment for drug abuse would very much depend on the drug of choice and a great deal of research is necessary to find the correct methodologies to treat certain addictions. For example, a programme from the USA has proven very effective for treating cocaine and crack addiction and assisting these people in coming to terms with their addiction, the unique allure of these drugs and the undercurrent of addiction.

Heroin Fighters

In similar vein, the South African-developed Heroin Fighters programme is now world-renowned for assisting in the treatment for heroin drug abuse. Heroin is often regarded as a drug that is impossible to overcome, so the first aim of the programme is to give the addict hope that they can overcome their addiction. A part of this process is education about this drug of choice in order to give the addict an understanding of their dependence and finally, equipping them with necessary skills to overcome heroin.

Alcohol Annihilators

Alcohol Annihilators is another locally developed programme and a very effective treatment for alcohol drug abuse. The programme has been developed with the cooperation of recovering alcoholics and their inputs have rendered a programme that has worked superbly well in assisting alcoholics in coming to terms with alcoholism's effects, craving cycles, the cycle of addiction and the addiction culture, while providing invaluable spiritual perspectives.

Treatment for Drug Abuse: Other Drugs and Programmes

Eating disorders can also be very debilitating and destroy lives on a daily basis, so excellent treatment for this type of ailment is extremely important and may include element of the following:

  • Special menus and food preparation
  • Supervised meals
  • Education about the effects on the body
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy

This type of therapy also has to be constantly supervised by trained professionals.

Holistic Treatment for Drug Abuse

Few drug rehabilitation centres are likely to achieve a decent measure of success with a fragmented and uncoordinated approach and a holistic approach has proven the most effective. This implies the bringing together of all the treatment options available in one place and finds most of its impact in three critical areas:

  1. A standardised treatment plan is unrealistic and ineffective; each individual and each drug requires a tailored treatment plan.
  2. Short-term, conventional and outpatient treatment techniques do not work. UNODC research proved again in 2008 that 93 percent of these relapse. Treatment should last for at least six months.
  3. Treatment should take place in a residential treatment facility in order to exercise complete control over the addict's environment and improve their chances of a full recovery.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Exchange Heart Pillows As Gifts for Soldiers

It's almost never easy to send off a soldier. Whether that soldier is a brother or sister, a husband or wife, a mother or father, or a friend, knowing that there are months or possibly years between the time you say goodbye and the time you see them again can be painful. Some like to send a memento of sorts along with the soldier; something they can be remembered by when the item is looked at, and something that surfaces fond memories and experiences so the long distance doesn't feel so long. One great way to help close the emotional gap and provide a constant reminder of your love to your soldier abroad is with an exchange heart pillow.

An exchange heart pillow is a stuffed heart that is separated into two pieces, right down the center. One half is kept by you, and the other half is given to the departing soldier. When the two halves come together, the single heart symbolizes the love and friendship shared between you and the other party. When they're apart, such as when you're at home and the soldier you gifted the other half with is deployed, it's a way to express your adoration without being able to do so in person, and it's something to hug when you can't hug that special someone who has gone away.

One of the neat features that exchange heart pillows can have are pockets. These can be used to stuff one half of an exchange heart pillow with goodies for the soldier its being given to. For instance, if this particular person has a particular candy they're fond of, or if you have smaller trinkets you'd like to gift to this person as a gift, you can stuff the pockets as a surprise. You could even stuff the pockets with notes for the owner of the pillow half to read. Of course, if none of these ideas appeal to you, you can line the pockets of your exchange heart pillow with any other items you want.

Keep exchange heart pillows in mind whenever you're looking for a special gift for the special soldier in your life. No matter your relationship to the departing person in question, it can be a very thoughtful gift and can mean a lot to someone who is traveling to a strange land, away from family, friends, and other loved ones for a significant period of time.

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