Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Over Indulge - Just Like Many Things and Switch It Up Early and Often

Everything is okay in moderation they say, and it appears at least in this case that "they" may in fact be right - so chock one up for the elusive wisdom of the crowds I'd say. Why do you suppose that humans like sugary foods? Perhaps for the same reason they enjoy being in an altered state of mind. This may explain why people eat too many sweets, get fat and have diabetes, or why people get addicted to drugs and alcohol. Okay so let's talk shall we?

If the human body has evolved to enjoy such things, and there must be a reason for it, such as humans like sweets because the fruits they were eating in their diet helped them survive and thrive, therefore they developed a taste for them. Thus, how could it be bad to eat more fruit? It gets back to that; all things are okay in moderation comment.

Not long ago, there was an interesting feature on Accelerating Intelligence, the Ray Kurzweil website titled; "The Evolutionary Origins of Optimism," posted on June 13, 2012, which quoted from the book; "Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain," by Elaine the Fox;

"Optimistic realists, whom I consider to be the true optimists, don't believe that good things will come if they simply think happy thoughts. Instead, they believe at a very deep level that they have some control over their own destinies," and;

"The function of our pleasure system is to entice us into doing things that are biologically good for us. This is why delicious food, especially in the company of family and friends, is one of the great pleasures of life. Because the experience of pleasure is fleeting, the pursuit of pleasure can all too easily spiral out of control, sometimes tipping into dangerous risk taking and addictions."

Indeed, if you drink too much alcohol you will have a terrible headache and hangover, and it should teach your lesson. If you eat too much fruit all at once you will become sick to your stomach, another lesson not to over indulge. You see, there seems to also be an evolutionary process to counter overindulgence. The question is are you listening to your body, and is the language I am speaking to you making sense?

There's a reason for all this, and to negate that fact would be to do so in ignorance. Does this mean you should do what feels good? Yes, but again only in moderation, don't go off the deep end, and perhaps that's my message to you today. Indeed I hope you will please consider all that think on it.

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